Magazin Typografie


Our agency visualizes strategy and thus makes an important contribution to the success of a company.

Therefore, our design work has a clear mission:
We translate the identity of your company into a convincing and individual corporate & product design.

We visualize your true values!


On the basis of a jointly developed brand identity and a clear brand strategy, we present your brand message with reliable results. Thanks to our interdisciplinary team and the associated collaboration between strategists and designers, we know which visual appearance really suits your company and your true values. This way we create a corporate look that positions you in the market in an attractive and compelling manner for the relevant target group. A successful corporate design manages to convey a feeling for the brand and your attitude through visual impressions alone. In addition, messages can be conveyed vividly and a differentiation from the competition can be created at first glance.

A corresponding visual appearance of a company is therefore not a “nice to have”, but a strategic instrument that influences the success of a company.

Put your corporate look to the test with our design check and receive 3 recommended actions.


For us, the so-called Brand Flower – the Dietrich Identity brand model – paves the way for the development of a meaningful visual corporate design.
After successfully identifying your true values within the framework of identity-based brand management, we record the result in this clear, simple model.

Dietrich Identity Markenblume

The central brand message, which is anchored in the core value of the Brand Flower, must also be visually supported and communicated. It sets the tone for the visual design. The brand’s essence also contains the brand’s potential for differentiation.

By visually conveying the core value, the brand can immediately stand out from its competitors and gain a strategically sensible position in the market.

The entire look and feel of your corporate design is influenced by the three brand values which describe your brand’s attitude.


For a holistic corporate design, we develop the following basic elements for you in line with the brand values:

Logo / trademark
The logo is a symbol that visually represents a brand in the form of a word or figurative mark and is used for identification.

Corporate Colors
Colors play an important role in visual brand communication. They have a great influence on the associations that are generated by a brand presence. The color climate must therefore be determined on the basis of the brand’s self-image.

Font is not only used for text-based communication.
The selection of a typography that matches the identity of the company should be carefully considered. Fonts create character and can give the brand an individual look.

Images are not only elementary in generating emotions, but have the potential to convey clear and memorable messages in a very short time, with just one glance.
The image style and the visual language must therefore be in line with the brand message.

Graphic elements
Graphic elements such as pictograms facilitate communication and support orientation.
The style of graphic elements can also create an identity and, like the trademark, serve to identify with the brand.

Design and layout principles, in the form of systematic arrangements and placements of corporate design elements, are relevant to create a holistic corporate look.


Unlike a classic design agency, at Dietrich Identity we do not create a corporate design without a strategic one-brand basis, i.e. a corporate identity. Good corporate design agencies aim to understand the identity of a brand in order to bring it to fruition visually.
If any design is created that might at first glance appear “modern” but does not support the company’s attitude, we know from experience that the CD will not last long.

We would be happy to advise you and present a unique, sustainable corporate design that gives your company a clear and appropriate visual expression.

A sustainable success concept for VOX


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The VOX ball as an identity-creating symbol was designed in 2003 and revised in 2014. The basis was a corporate identity analysis and development of the Dietrich Identity brand model with the brand essence “to touch”. The brand essence was the basis for the brand icon that everyone knows: the red VOX ball. It is the link across all communications media online and offline and thus ensures VOX identity and recognizability. Success was not long in coming. The market share almost doubled from 3.6% to 6.7% today.


As part of a so-called redesign, we take a close look at your current corporate appearance and adapt elements of your corporate design in a holistic way so that it is aligned with your corporate identity.
If you have never had a visual identity, we will work closely with you to create a design from scratch that will satisfy you and with which you will appear confidently in the market.

In a basic style guide, after the design process, we record and define the basic elements that shape your new visual identity and make your values visible.

Once the operational implementation of the corporate design basic elements has proven itself and usability has been tested and finalized, we establish the application rules in a corporate design manual – a documentation of the design strategy and the design system for uniform implementation that guarantees recognition value in every application. A corporate design manual basically contains instructions on how to use the basic elements of brand design (trademark, typography, color, imagery, graphic elements, layout). In addition, categories are laid down in the manual in order to fundamentally capture the brand and its orientation. For example, company values, mission statements, guidelines or brand nuances can be documented and defined.

Do you already have a developed corporate identity, but are unsure whether it still fits 100% to your company and is therefore sufficient as a basis for a strong CD? Dietrich Identity is not a classic agency for corporate design – the strategy is at least as important to us as the visual translation. We would be happy to examine whether your brand identity still contributes to what defines your company and thus shows potential for a strong position in the market.

We look forward to hearing from you.


We at Dietrich Identity love to help our clients discover the power of brands to make long-lasting and positive impressions, both internally and externally. We also love strategy, and to roll up our sleeves for implementation. During their journey with us our clients discover what everyone wants to find but very few do ― their true values.

Find an overview of our skills and service areas below:

Brand Consulting

A strong brand is the basis and guide for your marketing. Together with you, we explore the success factors of your brand and develop a suitable strategy and positioning for your brand. We base this on the brand model we developed: the Dietrich Identity Brand Flower. It puts your brand values in the right light.

Brand strategy

Branding without a strategy is like a journey without a destination or a map. Together with you we develop the strategic framework. For this we have rethought the “Golden Circle”. Our 4 W form the framework for your overall strategy in the form of vision, mission, values and growth strategy.

Marketing Communication

Strong brands and strong communication are no coincidence. That is why we develop communication concepts for you as a marketing plan for your new market presence, both internally and externally. And we also conceive, write, design and produce a wide variety of brand communication measures for you.

Corporate Identity

The corporate identity, one’s own self-image, is the most important link between the company, the people and the target group. This way, you broaden the communication by the dimensions of performance and behavior – because clear communication of all services is just as crucial to success as the perceptibility of your culture and your company character through history, behavioral standards and symbols.

Corporate Design

Your company-specific appearance makes your brand recognizable and unique. We have learned one thing from the multitude of branding projects: a visualized strategy is the strongest and most efficient tool to show the public a uniform, positive image and to increase awareness of your company.


Vision, values, and guiding principles are all just waiting patiently as ideas on paper as long as they are not lived. With our activation workshops, we ensure that the basics of your brand are understood, applied and implemented by everyone in your company. Together with we will inspire your employees and get them on board in a fun way.