Composition of values, development of mission statement and activation of guiding principles

Vitos operates health and social care facilities at 74 locations in Hesse. This makes vitos Hesse’s largest provider of outpatient, partial and full inpatient treatment for mentally ill people.
As part of the strategy process, the 20 individual mission and care statements needed to be combined into a common mission statement.

Follow this link for the new Vitos mission statement.

Project Occasion

Strategy update

Strategy for the umbrella brand

Project services

Set-up of teams and kick-off

Analysis of the vitos self-perception and perception by others

Development of brand identity

Design and moderation of a value workshop for the management conference

Design and moderation of mission statement kick-off

Design and moderation of workshops for the development of mission statement contents

Design and moderation workshop for the development of guiding principles

Development of measures for internal communication

Involving the employees

Development of a format for the implementation

“Dietrich Identity was a reliable partner in developing our guiding principle. The methodological and moderative support provided the framework for us to design a successful mission statement which reflects the diversity of our offer.”